The Breast Health Institute of Austin doesn’t claim to be better than all the others. But it’s second to none.

BHIH provides concierge service to women with breast cancer, women at high risk for breast cancer and those with unknown or benign breast disorders.


Dr. Miltenburg with her patient

At BHIH, Dr. Miltenburg takes time to get to know her patients. She listens and tries to understand their concerns, because patient’s expectations are often more complex than wanting to know everything’s going to be OK. Her goal is not only to diagnose and cure but also put patients at ease. After your first visit with Dr. Miltenburg, you will know that you are not alone, that your doctor cares and that you’ve come to the right place.

You will experience a different kind of surgery

Did you know that if you check into a hospital affiliated with a medical school or research facility, you’ll sign a waiver allowing doctors in training to treat you, including operations?

With Dr. Miltenburg, someone in training won’t operate you on. She has over 20 years of experience and has operated on thousands of patients. Her outcomes are excellent and her patients are very satisfied.

The primary goal is that patients to live to a ripe, old age. The secondary goal is that women look the same or better than they did before.

Your will experience a different kind of relationship

Dr. Miltenburg’s patients are her patients for life. Not all patients want or need long-term follow-up. However, patientswho have received treatment for breast cancer, those at high risk for developing cancerand average risk women who want close follow up come back to the office on a regular basis. BHIH is committed to keeping in touch with their patients, dealing with problems that may arise and keeping patientsapprised of advances in breast health.

Dr. Miltenburg with her patient

Patient Testimonials

Angelina testimonial
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Dr. Darlene Miltenburg is a great Doctor. She is very professional and knowledgeable. She has been God sent as she cared for my wife. She is also one of the Leaders in her field. She takes the time with her patients. I would highly recommend her, if you want a Doctor who care about patients.

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Kyra testimonial
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I would recommend Dr. Miltenburg to anyone. So pleased with my breast surgery? Honestly, I did not know I had had surgery that she performed. I felt she cared about my first visit. Awesome doctor

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