Feeling Beautiful with Breast Cancer

A diagnosis of breast cancer means many changes to the body you know and love. Working with your breast cancer surgeon in Austin through each stage of treatment and recovery, you must learn to adjust to new changes in your appearance. Many of these changes will be temporary; some will be permanent. During this time of upheaval, taking time to appreciate your beauty as it is not only comforting but can positively impact your health and well-being.

For example, many cancer patients feel they don’t have control over what is happening to their bodies. But did you know that treatment such as massage therapy can help to alleviate the color and severity of scars while providing emotional release and building mental strength? The message is: Feel Good, Look Good.

Breast Cancer and Your Hair

Many women feel that hair thinning or loss is one of the most impactful changes that come with chemotherapy. Whether you have thinning hair, partial or total hair loss, you should know that when your hair grows back it may be curlier, straighter, or even a different color! One common experience is a sensitive scalp, which can make it difficult to wash or comb your hair. [everydayhealth.com]

To make your hair appear fuller, use a mild, volumizing shampoo and pat dry. Also, this is the time to try a shorter, and more stylish, haircut. Less hair will be available to clog the drain, and you can gradually get used the look of less. “Go bold and dramatic and make a statement with your hair. You’re strong, you’re alive, and you’re fighting hard! [imtakingcharge.com]”

If your hair has thinned or fallen out, you have two wig options: match your natural look exactly or make a statement with your wig.

Option A)
Try to go wig shopping as soon as your doctor tells you that you’ll need to buy a wig, so that you can match the one you buy exactly to your natural hair color and style.

Option B)
Go big and bold! Choose wigs in exotic colors, like pink or blue. Dare to stand out.

And, of course, you can have your pick of colorful (or tame) and soft scarves to wrap yourself in. Discuss your options with your breast cancer surgeon in Austin – she may have some excellent recommendations for where to shop!

Wearing Makeup with Breast Cancer

“A 2012 Harris Interactive survey found that one-third of women with cancer felt negative impacts from the changes in their appearance during their treatment. The effects are far-reaching, affecting their self-esteem, their personal relationships, and their ability and desire to go out and socialize [everydayhealth.com.]” No matter who you are or what time of your life you’re in, you know that when you think you look good, you feel good!


How about applying lipstick on your way out the door to give your face some extra “oomph?” A moisturizing formula can help chapped lips, the right color can brighten your smile, and organic ingredients are non-toxic.


Applying an organic blush over the cheekbones and sweeping up towards the ears will make your face look vibrant and healthy. If your face is looking puffy, try contouring with a bronzer. On the flip side, if you have lost weight, try a light-colored concealer and brown contour to plump up your face magically with makeup.


Loss of hair from eyebrows and lashes can make a woman feel “like an alien.” To fill in your eyebrows, make sure you follow their natural shape. Use feathery strokes with a pencil or brush-on kit.

If your lashes have fallen out, try fake ones – this is practically what they were made for. If your lashes are thinning, apply a thin line of eyeliner and some mascara.

Important Note: Throw Away Your Old Makeup

Make sure to change your eye makeup every three months so you don’t get an eye infection.

In fact, why not just start from scratch and buy all new products? You are more sensitive to toxins that may be lurking in old products now and more vulnerable to infection overall. Be honest- do you really know how long you’ve had some of those items? Can you guess how much bacteria they’ve pick up from everyday use? It’s time to start fresh with skin-friendly, organic makeup.

Comfort & Camaraderie

Your breast cancer surgeon in Austin, Dr. Miltenburg, can tell you that spending time with others who are in the same or similar situation can make you feel incredibly beautiful. In the US, programs such as Look Good Feel Better offer women with any kind of cancer an opportunity to meet each other while getting beauty tips.

“The program offers comfort and camaraderie, which helps alleviate the feeling of isolation that is common among cancer patients,” says Kelly Perez, manager of Mission Delivery with the American Cancer Society, which partially runs the program.

Perhaps most impressive is the l’Embellie boutique in Paris, a “cozy, comforting space” that offers everything a woman with cancer might shop for. The girls who work there are practically counselors, trained as they are to support their clients in any way they need. The store doesn’t just sell beautiful headscarves, wigs, and gloves, but even lingerie and loungewear fitted for prosthesis.

Breast Cancer Surgeon in Austin

At Breast Institute Austin, Dr. Miltenburg takes time to get to know you and your concerns, knowing that both are complex. She does not take a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather a highly personalized one that focuses on who you are and how you feel. You will experience a different kind of surgery, as well – one that is focused on you living a long, healthy life while looking and feeling your best. Call 713-714-3930 or Contact Dr. Miltenburg Today!