What types of breast biopsy are available?

concept image of types of breast biopsy

Facing the prospect of a breast biopsy can bring about a mix of concerns, apprehensions, and questions about what the future may hold. When you consult your breast cancer surgeon regarding testing, undergoing a biopsy often marks the initial step in establishing a diagnosis. This procedure involves delicately extracting a small tissue sample from your breast, which is subsequently analyzed in a laboratory for accurate results. So what types of breast biopsy are available? What types of breast biopsy are available? While many patients dread getting a biopsy, it still stands as the most reliable method to immediately detect the presence of cancer cells within your body. In this article, we will talk more about why you might need a biopsy, the advantages of doing so early, and the different breast biopsy types that are available to you. Getting Your First Breast Biopsy It doesn’t matter whether you’ve already …

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6 Uncommon Signs of Breast Cancer

featured image for 6 uncommon signs of breast cancer

A lot of people are taught from an early age about the more common symptoms of breast cancer. It is important to regularly self-screen for lumps, bumps, or other abnormalities surrounding the breast tissue. While these bumps can be scary, they do not always guarantee that they will lead to cancer. 6 Uncommon Signs of Breast Cancer Even more pressing is the fact that there are many more, but lesser known, signs of breast cancer that many don’t know about. It is imperative to get in touch with a specialist for breast tumor treatment for regular checkups no matter the current state of your breast health. Today, we are going to review 6 uncommon signs of breast cancer that may indicate it’s time to visit your doctor. Warmth, Redness, and Swelling Does the skin around your breasts feel unusually warm? There is a chance your breasts could be swollen. …

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What Can a Mammogram Detect?

concept of what can a mammogram detect

In order to detect breast cancer – and prevent it – as early as possible, your breast cancer surgeon in Austin will want to provide a number of screenings in support of your best health. One of the most thorough and functional screening tests is called a mammogram, and it is typically done on patients with breasts to detect any anomalies within the tissue. What Can a Mammogram Detect? But what can a mammogram detect, exactly? How do they work to identify any instance of cancer? What treatments are typically prescribed based on the results of the mammogram? At Breast Institute Austin, we are invested in taking proactive measures with your health and well-being in mind. Keep reading to learn more about the mammogram process and see how you can sign up for preventative breast cancer screenings today. The Mammogram Process The procedure starts with an x-ray machine. While …

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Importance of Early Detection for Breast Cancer

concept of importance of early detection for breast cancer

Breast cancer is a fast-acting disease that has the best chance of being treated when the symptoms are caught early. However, many folks with breast cancer display no symptoms at all before the cancer starts to grow. This is why your local breast cancer surgeon in Austin cannot emphasize enough the importance of early detection for breast cancer prevention and easy treatment. Read the following information below to learn more about breast cancer screening options and schedule your personal consultation with our breast specialists today. Importance of Early Detection for Breast Cancer Early detection will always be the number one answer that doctors give in response to questions about how to best treat this monstrous disease. While there is still no surefire cure, there are a few different tests and screening options that allow patients and doctors to look for cancer much earlier in the development process. Thankfully, early …

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Is It Normal to Be Afraid of a Mammogram?

Young woman with anxiety for mammogram

Cancer screenings are nerve-wracking for many people. You’re faced with the possibility that something could be wrong, and being tested will make it impossible to ignore. The feeling can be so intense that individuals may put off or entirely skip routine screenings to avoid dealing with the recognition of their own mortality. So, is it normal to be afraid of a mammogram? Is It Normal to Be Afraid of a Mammogram? If this sounds at all familiar, then take comfort in knowing that it is a perfectly natural response. It’s so common that the experience is sometimes referred to as “scanxiety.” Dealing with “Scanxiety” If you’re struggling to gather the resolve to schedule and attend your next mammogram, there’s no reason to feel bad. What you’re experiencing is completely valid. The trick is finding ways to overcome your anxiety. That doesn’t mean you need to make it totally disappear. …

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Risks vs Benefits of Breast Biopsy

Doctor with folded arms and breast health ribbon on her frock.

A breast biopsy is an important part of the diagnostic process. A mammogram or ultrasound can be used to detect a mass, but a biopsy is the only way to definitively determine the nature of the mass. As a normal part of the diagnostic process, a breast biopsy is a highly regulated procedure with relatively minor risks involved. Let’s look at the risks vs benefits of a breast biopsy. Risks vs Benefits of Breast Biopsy With that being said, a biopsy may be a completely foreign concept to you. In order to demystify the process and help you feel more comfortable, we have put together a brief risk-benefit analysis along with a basic explanation of what you may expect when you get your breast biopsy in Austin. Types of Breast Biopsy Before getting into the risks and benefits of breast biopsies, we need to discuss the different types. There …

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Are Mammograms Painful?

Woman standing waiting for a mammogram.

Once a woman turns forty, it’s common to begin annual mammograms in order to screen for breast cancer. Women with a strong family history may begin their annual examinations at an earlier date, whereas others might wait until they are 45 to 50. Regardless of when you choose to begin your annual examinations, it’s normal to have some anxiety around the procedure. One of the most common questions is whether or not mammograms are painful. Luckily, it generally isn’t. Are Mammograms Painful? A mammogram essentially works like a normal x-ray with a few tweaks. A mammogram machine uses a lower level of radiation to get its images, but that necessitates the use of a plate on either side of your breasts. The two plates gently pressing your breast spreads your breast tissue out enough to get a clear image without the use of stronger radiation. As a result, you …

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Talking With Your Doctor about Surgery Options

Talking with your doctor about surgery options

There are a lot of thoughts going through your mind after an abnormal mammogram. There’s the possibility of cancer and the question of what treatment is right for you, but it’s a good idea to slow down and take a little time to process everything during those early days. Talking with your doctor about surgery options is vital. When you visit your breast specialist in Austin, we work closely with you along every step. From the first Austin mammogram to the following steps, we are always here for you. Talking With Your Doctor about Surgery Options First of all, keep in mind that your abnormal mammogram may not indicate cancer. You will need further testing to establish whether or not you actually have breast cancer and to see how far it has progressed. Second, if it turns out you do have cancer, the process has improved quite a bit …

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How to choose a breast doctor?

There is no such thing as a stress-free breast cancer diagnosis. Even the most well-prepared individuals should expect to take some time to re-assess their priorities and put together a plan for moving forward. To get started, you first need to consider your care team. This should be a combination of medical professionals and people close to you that you can count on for real support. Your chosen team will form the foundation for your treatment plan, so choose wisely. It all starts with finding the right doctor. How to Choose a Breast Doctor? Learning how to choose a breast doctor may take a little effort, but will prove worth it in the long run. When looking for the best breast cancer doctor Austin has, try visiting Breast Institute Austin. We provide a range of services for women in the area. For examinations and the best mammogram Austin has …

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Can Breast Cancer be Misdiagnosed?

Can breast cancer be misdiagnosed?

Over the past few decades, medical professionals have significantly improved their ability to diagnose and treat breast cancer. As long as you do a self-examination about once a month and start annual mammograms at age 45, you and your medical care team should be able to detect any possible cancer long before it becomes life-threatening. Unfortunately, when it comes to distinguishing whether or not a lump is cancerous, we are still working within an imperfect system. So can breast cancer be misdiagnosed? We provide patients with the best breast cancer surgeon Austin has available. Contact us to learn more about what we can do for our patients. Being Diagnosed: Can Breast Cancer Be Misdiagnosed? If your initial mammogram reveals the presence of a lump, then your doctor will want to proceed with further diagnostic testing. They may do a second mammogram to get a better look at the suspected …

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