Living with Breast Cancer Pain

breast cancer pain

When undergoing breast cancer treatment, it is common to experience pain from the cancer itself or as a side effect of your treatment. Unrelieved breast cancer pain can impact your quality of life and ability to fight the disease, so pain management is of the utmost importance. Breast cancer pain management is an important aspect of any treatment plan as it helps to use an integrative approach to healing. Through the reduction of pain and improved quality of life, breast cancer pain management aids many patients in pushing through their treatment plans like warriors. Read on to discover the best ways to manage your breast cancer pain and achieve peace of mind while you heal your body.

Whether it’s Chemotherapy in Austin, a mastectomy, or a consultation with a breast cancer doctor in Austin, our team of experts are here to help reclaim your body for you.

Neuropathic Breast Cancer Pain Management

Dealing with pain while living with breast cancer and undergoing treatment for it can be a heavy burden to deal with. The good news is that your pain management practitioner is there to help you cope and have a better quality of life. If you are unfamiliar as of yet, your pain practitioner helps you manage pain symptoms and concerns. They may recommend various types of pain management treatments to help lessen it and relieve any discomfort as much as they can. It is very likely that your practitioner will collaborate and consult with other members of your care team in order to make educated recommendations for your pain management solutions. For neuropathic pain management, they may recommend implanted pain pumps, nerve injections, or nerve stimulation devices such as the Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation also known as TENS. A TENS device will help promote nerve regeneration and healing.

Pharmacological Pain Control

Critical pain assessment and patient evaluations can help to establish the best path for pain management. In some cases, it can even be customized for the patient. Pharmacological pain medications include the most common ones such as anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotics and steroids. This frequently includes oral pills to help minimize pain during treatment.

Other Treatments

For those dealing with breast cancer that has spread to the liver, radiation may help to reduce the size of any tumors residing there. In this situation, some patients experience what is referred to as pleural effusion or an abnormal buildup of fluid in the lungs. When this occurs, physicians may utilize a thoracentesis which is utilized to help drain the fluid buildup from the lungs and allow patients to breathe easier.

The best breast cancer pain management practitioners understand the importance of balancing pain medications with other supportive options such as naturopathic medicine and treatments, holistic mind-body medicine, and oncology rehabilitation therapies. It is optimal to implement a combined approach when treating any disease or illness that is customized to each patient’s needs. Whenever you are seeking treatment for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, make sure you feel equipped with a pain management practitioner and care team which make you feel at ease. Each member of your care team should take steps to ensure you are supplied and educated about various pain management options. Having a trustworthy care team by your side in this challenging time will ensure that you can focus on healing. Are you dealing with concerns or effects of breast cancer? Contact the specialists at Breast Institute Austin today for help.

Breast Cancer Doctor in Austin

Second to none, Breast Institute Austin experts take time to get to know each patient and their unique breast cancer risks and concerns. Not only do the esteemed doctors seek to diagnose and cure, but they also work tirelessly to put patients’ minds at ease and ensure them they are in good hands. With over 20 years of experience, the knowledgeable physicians at Breast Institute Austin ensure outcomes are excellent and optimal for every patient.