The Different Techniques for a Breast Biopsy

In a breast biopsy or mammogram, tissue is taken from the breast and examined under the microscope in order to determine whether or not cancer is present. There are different breast biopsy techniques. These include: Fine needle aspiration, also known as FNA, image-guided core needle biopsy, and excisional biopsy. FNA Fine needle aspiration, which is also known as FNA, is among the least invasive breast biopsy techniques. It is often used when the doctor suspects a cyst or to biopsy a lymph node. A problem with FNA is if malignant cells are seen, the pathologist may not be ale to tell if the cancer is invasive or non invasive. This distinction is very important because it guides treatment decisions. If cancer is diagnosed on FNA, additional biopsies may be essential. Core Needle Biopsy This technique is used when an abnormality is seen on breast imaging such as mammogram, ultrasound …

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