What Can a Mammogram Detect?

concept of what can a mammogram detect

In order to detect breast cancer – and prevent it – as early as possible, your breast cancer surgeon in Austin will want to provide a number of screenings in support of your best health. One of the most thorough and functional screening tests is called a mammogram, and it is typically done on patients with breasts to detect any anomalies within the tissue. What Can a Mammogram Detect? But what can a mammogram detect, exactly? How do they work to identify any instance of cancer? What treatments are typically prescribed based on the results of the mammogram? At Breast Institute Austin, we are invested in taking proactive measures with your health and well-being in mind. Keep reading to learn more about the mammogram process and see how you can sign up for preventative breast cancer screenings today. The Mammogram Process The procedure starts with an x-ray machine. While …

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How to Read Your Mammogram

breast mammogram in houston

Getting routine breast exams is an important task for women that is often swept to the way-side. Many people avoid going to a doctors office altogether because they’re scared of receiving bad news. However, mammograms are extremely important because they help detect breast cancer early on. Reading a mammogram is difficult and always best explained by a radiologist or your doctor. It’s important to know what you are looking for and what it may mean for your health. Here’s a better look at how you can better read your own mammogram in Austin.

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