Fight Breast Cancer with Healthy Habits

Woman running to fight breast cancer with healthy habits.

People with a family history of breast cancer risk are more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point in their lifetime. It’s a matter of genetic predisposition, but that doesn’t mean you’re defenseless. You can actually preemptively improve your chances of surviving breast cancer by practicing healthy habits in your daily lives. Let’s look at how you can fight breast cancer with healthy habits. Fight Breast Cancer with Healthy Habits Here are just a handful of lifestyle choices you can make to improve your ability to fight cancer. Exercise Regularly It isn’t always easy to make time for exercise. The average American works long hours in a mostly static physical state. However, regular exercise is a vital part of maintaining our health, especially as we age. Experts suggest that the average adult needs 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Seventy-five minutes of more vigorous activity …

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Can Breast Cancer Be Prevented?

Breast cancer is a deadly disease that haunts far too many people; today 3 million women are living with breast cancer in the United States alone. Can breast cancer be prevented? There is no definite way of preventing breast cancer, but the American Cancer Association recommends being aware of potential risks that increase your chances of being diagnosed. Lowering your risk can be especially helpful for women who have a family history of breast cancer. Preventable Risk Factors Many factors that may make you more susceptible to breast cancer are related to parts of your daily life. By being aware of the potential risk, you can be proactive and monitor your intake on the following activities. Being Overweight Obesity increases your risk for a myriad of health problems, including breast cancer. This most notably increases the risk for women who become obese later in life and especially after menopause. …

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