Top 5 Breast Cancer Charities

Altruism is a beautiful thing. By donating even the smallest amount to a charity, you’re making a statement regarding your values and helping your chosen organization to reach their goals. For breast cancer survivors and the millions of people touched by their stories, donating to charities is a part of the healing process. For some, donating is an empowering action that allows them to feel like they are actively engaging in improving the future for people just like them. That being said, it pays to know what the most effective donation options are. Here are out top 5 breast cancer charities.

Top 5 Breast Cancer Charities

There are many different kinds of breast cancer charities. Some work to fund research into cures or potential surgical improvements. Other charities focus on providing care and resources to current breast cancer patients like those receiving breast cancer treatment in Austin. Regardless of their focus, it helps to choose a charity that fits with your own experience and uses your money effectively. With that in mind, these are the top five breast cancer charities in the United States.

The Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Founded by Evelyn Lauder of Estée Lauder after her own brush with breast cancer, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation does exactly what its name suggests. An impressive 88% of their total funds go directly towards breast cancer research. An additional 3% is allotted for breast cancer awareness programs. These programs work to educate women, encouraging self-examinations and regular preventative care.

Aside from having the backing of a major corporate figure, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation also benefits from high brand recognition. The foundation was one of the original creators of the Pink Ribbon logo alongside the editor-in-chief of Self magazine in 1992.

Susan G. Komen Foundation

Founded in 1982, the Susan G. Komen Foundation is another highly successful breast cancer-focused charity. Unlike BCRF, the Susan G. Komen Foundation spreads funds out a little bit more. Research, awareness programs, community health, and educational programs all feature prominently.

As an added bonus, there are also a number of ways that you can help the foundation. Many without having to donate money directly. They hold eBay auctions, accept stocks as a form of donation, and host an annual charity run. For many breast cancer survivors participating in this charity run is a rite of passage that helps to mark a new beginning for themselves and their families. If you don’t feel like running and getting your own sponsors, you can always sponsor someone else and cheer them on.

Living Beyond Breast Cancer

Oncologist Marisa C. Weiss founded Living Beyond Breast Cancer in 1991. This charity stands out thanks to its focus on the men and women affected by breast cancer. The organization clearly recognizes the value of research. But sought to fill a void by specializing in providing support for patients during and after their cancer treatment.

The National Breast Cancer Foundation

Founded by another breast cancer survivor, the National Breast Cancer Foundation aims to provide educational programs to improve early detection. Free mammograms are central to this goal. To help fund their programs, the National Breast Cancer Foundation accepts direct donations and gifted stocks. Additionally, the foundation has embraced the gaming world, creating a highly successful fundraised called Game Pink.


This non-profit donates 100% of their funding to research focused on metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer is still considered incurable, and it affects up to 30% of women with early-stage breast cancer. METAvivor designates this grant money with the goal of eventually finding a cure for more serious forms of breast cancer. To help with their efforts, you can make a direct donation or take part in one of their many fundraising masquerades.

If you’re more interested in supporting local charities and organizations, talk to your local Austin breast specialist about opportunities in the Austin area.